The Jim Crows are Back


Jim Crow Laws – Housing
1.   There shall be separate buildings, not nearer than one fourth mile to each other, one for white boys and one for negro boys. White boys and negro boys shall not, in any manner, be associated together or worked together. Florida
2.   The children of white and colored races committed to the houses of reform shall be kept entirely separate from each other. Kentucky
3.   Any person…who shall rent any part of any such building to a negro person or a negro family when such building is already in whole or in part in occupancy by a white person or white family, or vice versa when the building is in occupancy by a negro person or negro family, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five ($25.00) nor more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars or be imprisoned not less than 10, or more than 60 days, or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. Louisiana

Another stressor for former sex offenders is that of finding employment. Many of us know how great the stress of being unemployed can be. But think of this. If you had a family, a wife, kids, and a dog and you did find a place to hire you, but then they learn that their address must be listed on the public registry, how great a stressor would it be for you to lose the only chance you have to feed your family because of a law that protects no one? How much would this hurt your family?

Jim Crow Law – Labor
1.   No colored barber shall serve as a barber [to] white women or girls. Georgia
2.   All persons licensed to conduct a restaurant, shall serve either white people exclusively or colored people exclusively and shall not sell to the two races within the same room or serve the two races anywhere under the same license. Georgia
3.   All persons licensed to conduct the business of selling beer or wine…shall serve either white people exclusively or colored people exclusively and shall not sell to the two races within the same room at any time. Georgia

Surely we would want former sex offenders to get an education so that they can become more productive, trustworthy citizens, right? In many states schools and libraries are off limits to sex offenders. Even if they are allowed on school property they must register and this registration becomes public. At that point, many times, vigilantes step in and harass the registered offender until they quit. In earlier times these vigilantes were known as the KKK. I have a question for you, would you have been one of the courageous to stand up for black people when standing up for black people was looked down upon or would you dawn the robe?

Jim Crow Law

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