public service announcement

Attention all Registrants and Family

Lets take a moment and look around this country; Government restraint is increasing at an all time high, tensions among the races are rising rapidly and international relations are not exactly stable. Now you may be asking yourself why I have pointed out these things that are blatantly and obviously accepted as common knowledge. Here is something else that is supposedly “common knowledge”, the recidivism rate among registrants is 80%, which if you have any real common sense you can quickly deduce how absurd this would be. There are roughly 850,000 registrants nationwide, that would mean that 680,000 would re-offend yearly or 1,863 per day or 77 every hour. How can this even be remotely possible? Stop and think, even with a re-offense rate of 3.5%, which is a percentage that a number of people point to, that would mean that 29,750 per year, or 82 per day. Considering how news media makes such a big deal about any time a person on the registry is ever involved in anything, let alone in a new sex crime, that would be the only thing that we would be seeing on the news casts each and every day. The reason I have pointed all of this out is that this country is completely unstable and right now is the time to wave the truth in the face of not only the public, but the face of every politician, Judge, attorney, Parole and Probation officer. To try to restore a tiny bit of sanity to our judicial and government systems.

Right now is the time we need to band together and pull upon our resources. It is now that we need to bring together every study showing the real recidivism rate, as well as the ridiculously increasing amount of crimes that are becoming registerable. The people do not realize their power, if we bring together these study results and make them readily available to every public citizen we will have an avalanche effect. The truth will rapidly make itself visible to every corner of the nation, leaving those that choose to believe in this ridiculousness of this nation’s bureaucratic nonsense nowhere left to hide.

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