An Old Idea from 2014 is Looking for a New Life!

The idea has been presented time and again to donate to some organization, a dollar or two from every person on the registry and possibly one or two other family members. If everyone donated the dollar, and other family members donated a dollar, that would total around 2 1/2 to $3 million. If each donation was five dollars it would be 15 million. Of course there are some of us that don’t have the money, and there are some of us, if we knew we were going to win would find some money. I realize that it’s hard for people to toss money at something that they don’t know if they’re going to win or not. Too many of us have dumped money into attorneys that have basically screwed us over, but I for one would be more than willing to throw $5 or $10, or even more, each month into the pot if the only way that the attorneys would get it would be if they were successful in eliminating the registry. (and I know for a fact I’m not the only one)

The problem is, what organization (they all seem to have their own individual agenda) and who would they hire for attorneys and what points would they try to make in their legal battle?

So in 2014 a idea was put forward that eliminates these problems but it opens a door a legal challenge to not only the sex offender registry, but ALL registries required by government for past misconduct or affiliations with groups or organizations. The question is, does anyone know how to set up some type of fund at a bank or know a attorney that would know how to do this and be willing to do the setup of it pro bono? I have a feeling with everything that’s going on today if there was a place created to store donations until the fund got large enough that this idea might have merit.
I offer up a new idea  . We don’t hire attorneys to fight this legal battle.    We make them compete for a challenge award prize. If they win the battle they get attorney fees, a portion of the damage’s and the challenge award money  No Winning — No Money 

We set up a fund (money donated by registrants and their family members, possibly even businesses that are negatively impacted by the registry, even other groups that see the registry on the horizon for themselves) at some bank or in a trust. The money that is in that fund will be given to the legal group that meets the requirements. If at the end of a given time, say 7 to 10 years, no one has won the challenge and there are no cases pending that have the possibility of winning it , then the money plus interest is refunded it to the people who gave it.

One: The registry and community notification must be proven to be unconstitutional and entirely done away with in such a way that it cannot be wordsmithed by legislators and brought back against any group. For example it should be found as a bill of attainder or lesser pains and penalties

Two: Any type of legislative restrictions related to a criminal past must be found to be unconstitutional (residency restrictions, employment restrictions, travel restrictions etc.) and done away with in such a way that they can never be legislated again.  (no wordsmithing)

Three: Any type of government run or affiliated Internet website that puts forth information about criminal activity that is older than five years must be forced to remove the information.

Four: Every person who donates over a certain dollar amount, say $50, (not necessarily all at once but over a period of time say five dollars a month to the challenge funds would have their name on the lawsuit) either as a registered citizen or as a family member who was affected by the registry. That way the courts would be responsible for distributing the damages awarded. All participants would receive an equal share of the damages no matter how much they donate. (Some people can afford $50 and others can afford $1000 but the idea is to get rid of the registry.) In the event that no one wins the challenge award everyone would receive the amount of money plus interest that they had put into the fund.

Five: The lawsuit must be for damages and attorney fees. The attorneys can also receive up to 20% of the damages along with the challenge prize award . Anyone who participates in adding money to the fund will receive a portion of the damages, and the damages a must be more than a given dollar amount, say 20 million dollars. (I’m unsure about how high a dollar amount should be placed on this. Maybe 20 million is way too low because of the amount of collateral damage that has been done to registrants and their families)

In order to be eligible for the challenge award the legal organization must first register with the awards committee (made up of registrants and family members)  and lay out their initial strategy for the entire shutdown of all registries and how they feel that it will be permanently achieved. (All information provided by legal groups will be kept strictly confidential. so as not to jeopardize their possibility of winning!)

The time period to get the case before the United States Supreme Court would be set up at 4 to 6 years once the lawsuit is initiated so that the attorneys can’t sit on this waiting for the the contributions and interest on the funds to increase their challenge award.

Everyone needs to realize that any type of crime or situation at some point in the future could be used to create a forced registry with the justification of public safety. Now domestic violence and animal abuse registries are on the horizon. In the near future registries for any type of mental illness, or diseases such as AIDS, as well as DWI, DUI could easily be added.  Some people if they could have their way would establish a registry for gay people, or people of other religions. Another possibility is because of the amount of veterans that are coming back from war zones with PTSD that could be considered dangerous there may be a need for a registry for certain veterans. The list of reasons for having a registry and forcing groups of people to have to be on it for the safety of society goes on and on, and in almost every case the re-offense rate for other registry type situations or crimes is way higher than people on the sex offender registry.

Remember were not talking about just the sex offender registry, we are talking about stopping ALL registries required by governments based on past misconducts or affiliations with groups or organizations, now and in the future. If we go on that premise, we may be able to get other groups and organizations to get on board with stopping all possible registries.


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