Month: March 2010

A Readers Thoughts

I have some thoughts on how the U. S. government has performed in past years. Thoughts on how Bills were pushed through Congress, for Presidential signature and passage into law, in inappropriate ways to meet the agendas of the President, individual members of Congress and/or special interests. Thoughts on how these measures were used to subvert our Representative form of Democracy, and subvert the Constitution, causing grave damage to our way of life. Also, these Laws are very costly, based on bad data and, though they look good for those who voted for them, totally useless.
Generally, each Bill that was passed by Congress in past years under the following circumstances should be reviewed for value and efficacy. A cost benefit analysis should be performed on each of them. Supporting data for these laws must be reviewed for current value and replication. A few of the circumstances involved are;

Our country is going crazy.

One college is now considering an outright ban on enrolling students who are on the sex offender registry. Why? Because “it would be in the best interest of children on campus.”

Now, if Lake Michigan College were to look more closely at the THREE students it discovered currently enrolled there, I am willing to bet that none of them pose any actual risk to minors. Based purely on statistics, most persons on the registry now did not commit any actual violence against a child (some of their offences didn’t involve children at all).

If this college would take the time to actually interview each of the students to learn from them what they pleaded guilty to, they may be surprised. One, perhaps, might have gone streaking across the football field on a dare. One, quite possibly, got caught in a consensual relationship with an under-age girlfriend or boyfriend. And it is also highly likely that one accidentally had child porn on his/her computer. This is based, as before, on statistics.